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The supply department of the shoe factory "Yachting" makes regular purchases of the necessary for the production of shoe materials and components, as well as shoe equipment and spare parts for it. If your company is a manufacturer, official representative, distributor or integrated supplier of footwear materials, as well as other materials used in the production of work and special footwear, we are ready to consider your proposals.

Our technologists and fashion designers are always ready to get acquainted with new technologies in production, innovative materials and processes that help improve product quality, increase the environmental friendliness of production and its processes. If you are ready to offer new solutions for testing, we are open for cooperation, testing and exploring the possibility of introducing new solutions into mass production.

For all questions, you can contact the following contacts:

Роштов Сергей Анатольевич
tel. +7 (8352) 53 88 32 (доб. 116)
+7 (8352) 53-88-03 (доб. 107)
e-mail: roshtov@yahting.biz
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Кузьмин Юрий Иванович
tel. +7 (8352) 53 88 32 (доб. 118)
e-mail: urik1961@mail.ru

По вопросам импортных поставок и оборудования:

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Смирнов Никита Владимирович
tel. +7 (8352) 53 88 32 (доб. 123)
e-mail: nikita@yahting.biz

Approximate volumes of monthly purchases of main items:

Наименование Объем 
Кожа для верха обуви КРС с тиснением, в ассортименте 3 000 000 дм2
Кожа подкладочная КРС и свиная, в ассортименте 200 000 дм2
Металлические и композитные подноски 200 Дж, EN12568, в ассортименте, металлические антипрокольные стельки EN12568 45 000 пар
Полиуретановые многокомпонентные системы для литья подошвы, термополиуретаны 35.000 кг
Нитрильная резина для изготовления термостойкой подошвы литьевым методом 10 000 кг
Стелечный нетканый материал для втачной стельки (2 мм) 300 000 дм2
Искусственные кожи, в ассортименте 5 000 м2
Подкладочные материалы, в ассортименте 10000 м2
Мех шерстяной на трикотажной основе, ГОСТ 28367-94 2000 м2
Мех натуральный обувной подкладочный овчина, высота ворса не менее 10мм ГОСТ 4661-76 4000 м2
Фурнитура обувная (петли, блочки, крючки, пряжки, хольнитены) 10 000 000 шт.

You also need the following materials:

  • Materials for protective linings in the toe and heel (PU coated leather, synthetic wear-resistant oil and petrol-resistant material, TPU linings, etc.)
  • Synthetic threads bonded and unbonded
  • Shoe laces, flat, round, of various lengths and color configuration
  • Reflective material and individual elements for shoes
  • PVC logos
  • Polyamide materials (100% nylon) for the upper of shoes, with oil and water repellent properties, area 600 and 1000D
  • Polyamide lining shoe materials, including those on an adhesive basis, duplicated with polyurethane foam; volumetric lining materials (3D - meshes)
  • Multilayer synthetic insulation of various densities like Thinsulate B400
  • Polyamide shoe lining materials, including those on an adhesive basis, duplicated with polyurethane foam
  • Knitted vinyl leather for soft edges
  • Insole multi-layer material for anti-puncture insole, puncture resistance not less than 1200 N
  • Materials for reinforced toes and heels (nitro leather, thermoplastic)
  • Materials for insoles (stepor, etc.) and ready-made anatomical insoles
  • Foam materials for edges and soft inserts (polyurethane foam, izolon)
  • Interlining materials
  • Corrugated boxes group and individual

Also, the shoe factory regularly orders:

  • Duplication and triplet lining services
  • Logo application services

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